May 26, 2009

The Global CIO 50: IT Leaders Changing the Business World

These leaders and their teams are ready to take on the world -- and the perception that tech's more about cost than innovation.

By Bob Evans - InformationWeek 
May 23, 2009  (From the May 25, 2009 issue) 


This is a fascinating but also precarious time to be a CIO, particularly one with global responsibilities. CIOs are being given more strategic roles than ever before, yet they're simultaneously seeing their budgets cut while expectations remain unrelenting, and of course the global recession only complicates the situation.


CIOs are being asked to drive business change while at the same time many are trying to replace old and inflexible infrastructures with modern and flexible ones. They're being given responsibility for establishing global standards in applications and related processes, but sometimes without the organizational authority to enforce those new standards. And across the globe, CIOs are fighting the stubborn perception that IT in general and CIOs and their teams in particular are cost centers rather than creators of value and accelerators of innovation.


In this best-of-times, worst-of-times scenario, CIOs can find enormous value in seeing how their peers around the world are dealing with these difficult and urgent imperatives. So InformationWeek's Global CIOhas developed a couple of projects to give you some of that global peer-level perspective:


• In the Global CIO 50, we've identified 50 of the top CIOs from around the world and profiled them and the strategic contributions they're making to their companies.


We selected CIOs and their companies based on market leadership, innovative IT-enabled business practices and results, and the achievement and impact of the individual CIOs.


• The Global CIO research report, "Small World, Big Opportunities,"is based on an exclusive, primary-research survey conducted across multiple countries to determine top priorities, approaches, and attitudes for CIOs around the world. We received more than 2,000 completed surveys, but because we wanted to focus on CIO-level reactions, we culled the 861 responses from CIOs and VPs of IT and built our study on their input. The entire study is available for sale here.


Among the key findings from our Global CIO best practices report are the three top priorities cited by CIOs from around the globe: working to spend less money on internal IT issues and more on external, customer-facing projects (our old friend, the 80/20 ratio); developing and refining new ways to capture and communicate the business value of IT efforts and expenses on global projects; and shifting the internal outlooks of worldwide IT organizations to reflect global perspectives rather than domestic ones.


And you'll see those themes reflected in the achievements of the Global CIO 50: UPS CIO Dave Barnes noting that UPS aircraft now fly more miles outside the continental United States than inside; Coca-Cola, recognizing China as its third-largest and perhaps fastest-growing global market, opening a $90 million innovation and technology center in Shanghai; LG Electronics CIO Kim Tae Keuk leading an effort to replace more than 80 different ERP systems around the world with a single, global system capturing 440 business processes; and more.


So please come meet the Global CIO 50. While it's up to you to act locally, we hope this package helps you think globally.


The Global CIO 50

Select a name below to read their profile

Jean-Michel Arès


New tools help teams borrow what works

Laxman Badiga

Wipro Technologies

Building IT for scalable software services

Dave Barnes


Technology is built from the start to be global

David Briskman

Ranbaxy Laboratories

Priorities include speeding products to market

Rob Carter


Standard tech at hubs in China, Germany, U.S.

Gilberto Ceresa

Fiat Group

Digital design-to-production for speed

Laércio Albino Cezar

Banco Bradesco

Testing biometrics on its ATM machines

Ashish Chauhan

Reliance Industries

ERP used across the conglomerate's units

Chen Jinxiong

Fuzhou General Hospital

IT helps serve booming patient demand

Guy Chiarello

JPMorgan Chase

Integration and innovation drive his team's agenda

Sumit Chowdhury

Reliance Communications

Leads the telecom's IT and its IT services arm

Jody Davids

Cardinal Health

IT-driven transformation with customer focus

Dorival Dourado Jr.


Data-driven innovation key to credit data growth

Dan Drawbaugh

Univ. of Pittsburgh Medical Center

Defies IT boundaries by driving global expansion

Feng Taichuan

Xian-Janssen Pharmaceutical

Controls cost and risk, making data accessible

Vikas Gadre

Tata Chemicals

Works with groups outside India, especially on ERP

Arun Gupta

Shoppers Stop

Leads IT for retail stores and heads a business unit

Michael Heim

Eli Lilly

R&D portfolio now managed globally, centralized

Mark Hennessy


Global IT plan: Simplification before automation

John Hinshaw


IT critical to complex global supply chain

Yasuyoshi Katayama

NTT Group

Focused on next-gen networks and new businesses

Kim Tae Keuk

LG Electronics

Business needs process expert, not "technician"

Daniel Lebeau

GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals

Getting vaccine test data out of Africa -- faster

Li Hong


IT key to move to services and related businesses

Liu Zhixuan

Shenzhen Airlines

Data helps segment customers, offers new services

Alan Matula

Royal Dutch Shell

Innovator in unified communications worldwide

Sunil Mehta


Brings innovations of global ad company to India

Jai Menon

Bharti Enterprises

IT leader on businesses from wireless to agriculture

Jedey Miranda

Eaton Latin America

IT innovation is part of growth plan

Jonathan Mitchell


CIO and director of business process improvement

Randy Mott

Hewlett-Packard (NYSE:HPQ)

After transformation, pushing to the next level

Tania Nossa

Alcoa Brazil

Network reaches mines in the Amazon (NSDQ:AMZN) forest

Filippo Passerini

Procter & Gamble

IT "consumption reports" saved $3.5 million

Christopher Perretta

State Street

Align IT with customers, not "the business"

Steve Phillips


From regional IT teams to a unified, global team

Wilson Maciel Ramos


Innovation's baked into the tech strategy

J.P. Rangaswami

BT Group

Has brought people in from beyond telecom

Haider Rashid

ABB Group

Driving to make a more simplified organization

Toby Redshaw


Web 2.0 push typical of "big and agile" philosophy

Anantha Sayana

Larsen & Toubro

Measures business-IT alignment in each division

Manjit Singh


Bottom-line discipline, SaaS believer

David Smoley


Connecting global supply chains, driving SaaS

Song Shiliang

Giant Interactive Group

Tech is central to online game company's strategy

Ralph Szygenda

General Motors

Rewriting the rule book for outsourcing

Steve Tso

Taiwan Semiconductor

Experience from marketing to R&D to IT

Patrick Vandenberghe


After megamerger, apps need consolidating

Pravir Vohra

ICICI Bank Group

Leading IT and process automation strategy

Wu Dawei

JuneYao Group

Modernized call center, infrastructure, services

Zhang Jun

Li Ning

Retailer integrates design, supply chains, retail

Zheng Jiancheng

Belide Group

Sales data drives short fashion product cycles


Source :


Posted via email from Human Capital

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