May 18, 2009

70% of Employees Work Overtime, Skip Lunch

People graphic 

Friday, May 15, 2009


Boston Business Journal - by Crystal Jarvis Bizjournals Staff


More American workers are skipping lunch breaks and working longer hours to boost their careers, according to a survey published by the Society for Human Resource Management.


About 72 percent of employees across the nation said they work through lunch, while 70 percent report working beyond a 40-hour workweek and working at home on the weekends, according to the survey dubbed “Pressure to Work: The Employees’ Perspective.”


The poll, which questioned U.S. workers about sick leave, flex time and work arrangements, found that more than half, about 52 percent, of participants admitted that “self-imposed pressure” was the main reason for working overtime, while 44 percent cite “meeting project or performance goals.”


Only 21 percent of people polled said pressure from their immediate supervisor was the reason for working extra hours. Even fewer, about 12 percent, said pressure from top management executives as a source of pressure. Another 12 percent said advancing their individual career goals was the motivation for working extra hours.



Posted via web from Human Capital

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